Description: Policy debate is a two-on-two debate where an affirmative team proposes a plan and the negative team argues why that plan should not be adopted. The topic for policy debate changes annually, so debaters throughout the course of a season will debate the same topic. One member of each team will perform the first constructive and first rebuttal speeches, whereas the other the second speeches. So, for example, the person who reads the 1st affirmative constructive will also perform the 1st affirmative rebuttal.

Policy debate involves the analysis of a policy-oriented question. In policy debate, emphasis is placed on well-researched arguments. It is necessary for the affirmative to advocate a plan by which the resolution can be affirmed. The affirmative team has the burden of proof. The negative team attacks this plan through various methods of their choice.

Note that the debate begins with the affirmative speaking first and then switches midway through the debate where the negative speaks first, thus giving the affirmative the ability to speak last.

Debate should emphasize clear communication. Debates must involve the denial or minimization of the opposition’s main arguments (i.e., clash). Competitors will not be rewarded if they make speeches that ignore their opponent’s arguments. Cross-examinations/crossfires should be used to clarify, challenge, and/or advance arguments. Arguments will be on clarity and comprehension. Competitors should display civility and professionalism throughout the debate.

Format: The times and speaking orders of the speeches are listed below:

Speech Time Limit Purpose
1st Affirmative Constructive 8 minutes Present the affirmative case
Negative Cross-Examination 3 minutes Negative asks questions to the affirmative
1st Negative Constructive 8 minutes Refutes the negative case
Affirmative Cross-Examination 3 minutes Affirmative asks questions to the negative
2nd Affirmative Constructive 8 minutes Rebuilds the affirmative case
Negative Cross-Examination 3 minutes Negative asks questions to the affirmative
2nd Negative Constructive 8 minutes Refutes parts of case not covered in 1st negative constructive
Affirmative Cross-Examination 3 minutes Affirmative asks questions to the negative

*Junior Varsity Policy has a 5-minute recess here

1st Negative Rebuttal 5 minutes Counterargues the refutations made in rebuilding the affirmative case
1st Affirmative Rebuttal 5 minutes Responds to the counterarguments of the 2nd negative constructive and 1st negative rebuttal
2nd Negative Rebuttal 5 minutes Offer reasons the negative should win the round (i.e., offer voting issues)
2nd Affirmative Rebuttal 5 minutes Rebuild the affirmative case, and offer reasons the affirmative should win the round (i.e., offer voting issues)

**Each team is allotted 5 minutes of prep time

Debate Ballot
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